Monday 7 January 2019



Today I went to Meadowhall to take some pictures of the VS shop for my primary research and ask the customers some questions in order to find out their opinions and any suggestions they might have for the brand. Even though some people didn't want to answer my short interview I did manage to find some who did. Here is an example page of one of the interviews conducted today:

1.What is one word you associate this shop with?

2.What do you think of the shop’s design? How does it make you feel?

3.Did you make a purchase today? If not, why?

4.Do you have any suggestions for the brand? What could they do to improve their performance? (think about staff, store design, product, price)


STUDENT/18 years old

1.            Colourful
2.            Overwhelmed
3.            -hard to find bigger sizes
-improve the layout because it’s hard to find where everything is
-they don’t have every item on the website in store
4.            No, I didn’t find anything  I like (I usually prefer nice&simple)

50 y/o EMPLOYED 
18 y/o STUDENT (the daughter made a purchase)
1.            Pink
2.            I like the style and overall layout of the shop, it makes me feel comfortable.
3.            I don’t have any suggestions, everything is nice. (She thinks she can find stuff easy around the shop)
4.            She made a purchase today. Always shops at VS.

23 y/o
STUDENT, UNEMPLOYED, was shopping with her boyfriend
1.            Pink
2.            I find the store very voguey and girly. I like it.
3.            I wouldn’t improve anything, I like it.
4.            I made a purchase today because they had some offers and I usually shop at VS when they have sales.

35 y/o
1.            Underwear
2.            I feel welcome and I find the store very girly.
3.            I would improve their layout as sometimes I find it confusing and annoying that they don’t have matching lingerie sets in the same place and I have to search for them around the shop or ask someone. I also think their prices are a bit high. I generally shop at VS when there’s sales.
4.            I bought a sports bra today.

16 y/o STUDENT
1.            Glamour
2.            I like it, a lot easier to buy bras and have a great design, plus I find the bras very comfortable.
3.            I would suggest a different layout to the shop, in order to find items more quickly, instead of spending a long time looking for one thing .
4.            Yes- bought a new body mist and I really like the smell .

19 y/o STUDENT
1.            Stylish
2.            I mainly go just for the spray, think the bras are a bit too much for me and don’t like buying in-store so I usually go online .
3.            I would advise to actually care about the customers and show the right advertisement .
4.            Just a spray that’s all I buy.

15 y/o STUDENT
1.            Fashionable
2.            I like the shop and the design when you enter it has a feeling that makes you welcomed.
3.            Get more plus-size models and more transgender people. Make it diverse because equality matters. It’s a problem they have and is currently being shown in the media. It’s discrimination. Only shop there for bra sizes
4.            Didn't buy anything today. Last time I bought a body spray when they had a sale of £5 each.

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